What Is The Significance Of Mental Health Awareness?

Transitions Center for Natural Mental Health Treatments for a variety of physical and mental dependency issues and conditions

What is mental health and mental illness?

Mental health refers to a person’s ability to enjoy life and cope with stress, while also recognizing their own needs and potential limitations. Mental illness can refer to any mental disorder that impairs the mind or behavior. It affects 1 in 5 adults every year (NAMI, 2016). There are many different types of mental illnesses such as anxiety disorders, mood disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders, etc. These illnesses differ from one another because they affect people differently but they all involve some type of change or disruption in brain activity.

Signs and Symptoms of Mental Health Issues

Signs and symptoms of mental health issues include both physical and behavioral changes that gradually start to occur over time. Sometimes the onset of these changes is so gradual that it can go unnoticed by friends or family members until major problems develop. For this reason, it is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of mental health issues so that problems with your loved one can be detected early on.

 The following are some common warning signs and symptoms of mental health issues:

1. Erratic behaviors such as extreme shifts in personality or behavior; lack of impulse control (such as violence); abuse, dependence, addiction (to drugs, alcohol, activities such as gambling).

2. Frequent use of derogatory or demeaning language.

3. Changes in normal routine such as sleeping too little or too much; studying less than usual; skipping work regularly. Very high energy and very low energy periods might also indicate a problem if these are out of the ordinary or are paired with other signs and symptoms.

4. Declining hygiene levels. Self-care, in general, including personal grooming habits might start to decline when a person is not feeling well emotionally.

5. Withdrawal from family and friends, increased secrecy about activities or whereabouts.

6. Excessive fear, anxiety, paranoia; very fearful or anxious behavior might indicate that something is wrong emotionally for your loved one.

7. Frequently disregards rules at home, school or work; increasingly irresponsible behavior can be another symptom of a problem developing emotionally for an individual.

8. A change in personality or attitude towards others is yet another sign that someone might be struggling emotionally. For example, suspiciousness where there was none before; increased risk-taking behaviors (such as reckless driving); neglecting family relationships.

9. Self-injuries such as cutting or burning on the body is another sign that someone might require professional help to deal with their problems.

10. Also self-harming behavior can include suicide attempts and gestures including taking an excessive amount of drugs or overdosing, drinking too much alcohol, etc.

11. Continued silence about what is bothering someone or what is making them unhappy could indicate depression or another type of mental health issue. Oftentimes depressed individuals will withdraw from family and friends so this symptom can occur gradually over time without outside notice until it is too late.

12. Extreme changes in weight either losing or gaining significant amounts of weight can also be a sign of struggling emotionally for some individuals. This may be coupled with other signs and symptoms of mental health issues such as constantly complaining about feeling ill.

There are many warning signs and symptoms of mental health issues that it is easy to overlook some especially if they occur gradually over time. It is important to take all signs seriously no matter how small they seem because ignoring them could lead to problems later on that will only become more difficult (and potentially impossible) to resolve the longer they go unnoticed. However, it is equally important not to jump to conclusions based on one or two behaviors because someone might just be going through a phase.

Symptoms should be taken seriously

When someone experiences these symptoms for more than two weeks and the symptoms make it difficult for them to function at work or at school; get along with family or friends; or perform basic activities of daily life, they may be suffering from some type of mental illness.

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms it is very important that you see a healthcare professional. This person can help diagnose the problem and get you on the right track to health.

Mental illness is just like any other illness-it needs to be taken care of. Having awareness about mental health is so important because there are many people who feel embarrassed about seeking help for their illnesses but by doing this they are only making their problems worse.

People should always take necessary precautions when they think something is wrong with them mentally because not doing so could lead to consequences later on in life.

There are many signs and symptoms of mental health issues. Each case is unique to the individual so it is important to keep track of the changes in behavior, attitude, emotions, etc. that are being exhibited by someone over time. What might be normal for one person could be a sign or symptom of a mental health issue for another. Similarly, what might be a sign of a mental health issue for one person, could be something else entirely for someone else.

If you suspect that someone you care about is struggling emotionally, talk to them and let them know that you are there for them or encourage them to seek professional help if necessary. 

About the Authors 

Transitions Center for Natural Mental Health Treatments for a variety of physical and mental dependency issues and conditions. Substance use disorders are difficult to understand for many people. The physical and mental aspects of any substance disorder are complicated and unique to the individual suffering. The differences between physical and psychological dependency vary but have some similarities. Transitions Center for Natural Mental Health Treatments help the public know what to look for as a means of helping a loved one cope with the challenges of mental health disorders. 

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